The information provided by The Webb Law Firm on this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended as legal advice. The presentation of information on this website does not, in any way, constitute an attorney-client relationship between you and The Webb Law Firm or any of its attorneys. Further, any unsolicited contact or communication with The Webb Law Firm or any of its attorneys does not establish an attorney-client relationship. An attorney-client relationship will only be established by execution of a written engagement letter by The Webb Law Firm.
Further, unsolicited information provided by you to The Webb Law Firm may not be treated as confidential. The Webb Law Firm will not respond to requests to take action on behalf of any individual or entity who has not formally engaged The Webb Law Firm and its attorneys as counsel.
The Webb Law Firm disclaims any liability for any errors or omissions contained on this website. As noted above, the information provided by The Webb Law Firm is not legal advice. You should not take any action based on the information provided to you on this website. You should personally consult an attorney before taking any action which may have legal consequences. Please feel free to contact The Webb Law Firm for a personal consultation.
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